Mighty Morphin Ritual is an interactive video installation. Played on a CRT television, viewers are able to choose between 4 video tapes labeled “Mighty Morphin Ritual”, “Wisdom of Solomon Ritual”, Super Saiyan Ritual”, and “Masters of the Universe Ritual”. Each of these tapes references a television show that was popular among young males, often depicting an ordinary kid or person transforming into something greater, something extraordinary. When transformed, these figures are often hyper masculine, stronger, faster, and smarter. As a child, I would often emulate/copy these gestures, thinking maybe if I do it correctly and if I do it enough, then maybe just maybe I can also transform, to become more, to become this idealized version of who I should be. To me these actions felt akin to rituals, they call forth a greater power through specific actions and at times totems to channel that power. Through the repetitive gestures I wanted to exaggerate the futility of performing these rituals. This false sense of hope; no matter how many times we attempt to channel these powers, ultimately we are who we are.